Robbery Charges in New Jersey (N.J.S. 2C:15-1)
Parsippany Robbery Defense Attorney
Robbery is the act of taking another's personal property through the use of intimidation or physical force. Individuals who are convicted of this theft crime will experience a difficult future as many employers do not approve of criminal record. The best decision you can make right now is contacting a skilled Parsippany criminal defense lawyer.
Robbery charges are very serious and require the assistance of an aggressive and experienced defense lawyer. Over more than a decade in in criminal defense practice, I can help you fight back. The details of your case will be thoroughly reviewed so that the best possible defense strategy can be determined, early in the process.
Possible Penalties and Defenses for Robbery Charges
Punishments for robbery charges will vary based on the circumstances of the case. Typical punishments include jail or prison sentences, fines, counseling, mandatory community service and probation. If a weapon was used in your robbery then the charge could increase to aggravated robbery.
The following details will weigh heavily on what punishment is possible if you are accused:
- If any weapon was used
- If any person was hurt in the robbery
- The value of stolen items
- Whether the crime was a home invasion carjacking or gang related
All of these details could be used by the prosecuting attorney to seek heavier penalties.
Get Help From the Law Offices of Christopher G. Porreca, P.C.
I understand how frightening it is to be caught in the criminal justice system, and I will move forward quickly to protect your rights. I can help you create a defense for your upcoming trial. Every option will be explored as I will conduct interviews, research case law and investigate the crime scene to obtain supporting evidence for you case. I will fight zealously for every possible advantage for you, including the potential reducing charges, fighting for a dismissal when there have been rights violations or errors in obtaining evidence, or seek an acquittal at trial.
Contact The Law Offices of Christopher G. Porreca, P.C. to ensure your rights are protected during your robbery trial.

Why Choose My Firm
I work personally and promptly to help reduce, acquit, or dismiss your charges.
I handle criminal defense, family law, and personal injury cases to ensure satisfactory results.
I use my 25 years of experience to make sure you do not feel the heavy hand of the law.
I have earned the Avvo Client's Choice Award for the year of 2020.
"I can't thank him enough for his guidance and reassurance throughout this situation."Mr. Porreca represented me in a DWI case and went above and beyond to help me resolve my situation. The process itself was ...
- Megan